Над мрачной и нелюдимой пятиклассницей Аканэ постоянно издеваются одноклассники. Всё меняется, когда в классе появляется новый ученик — жизнерадостный, добрый и глуповатый Тайё Такада, который решает подружиться с Аканэ.
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Сезон 1 AniLibria.TV 01 The Grim Reaper and the Transfer Student 1 cезон02 Lunch Duty and Ghost Photographs and Love Letters 1 cезон03 Summer Vacation Begins 1 cезон04 Grandma's House 1 cезон05 Call Me the Grim Reaper 1 cезон06 Changing Desks, Class Reps, and New Friends 1 cезон07 Field Trips and the Magic of Marinated Eggs 1 cезон08 Yukata, Jungle Gyms, and Orthopedic Casts 1 cезон09 Run! Shout! Field Day 1 cезон10 My First Time Having Guests Over 1 cезон11 The Swift Reaper Alliance, the Cursed Song, and Christmas 1 cезон12 The Christmas Party Confession 1 cезон13 10 Years Later, the Same as Today 1 cезон
13 10 Years Later, the Same as Today 1 cезон01 The Grim Reaper and the Transfer Student 1 cезон02 Lunch Duty and Ghost Photographs and Love Letters 1 cезон03 Summer Vacation Begins 1 cезон04 Grandma's House 1 cезон05 Call Me the Grim Reaper 1 cезон06 Changing Desks, Class Reps, and New Friends 1 cезон07 Field Trips and the Magic of Marinated Eggs 1 cезон08 Yukata, Jungle Gyms, and Orthopedic Casts 1 cезон09 Run! Shout! Field Day 1 cезон10 My First Time Having Guests Over 1 cезон11 The Swift Reaper Alliance, the Cursed Song, and Christmas 1 cезон12 The Christmas Party Confession 1 cезон13 10 Years Later, the Same as Today 1 cезонСезон 1 AniLibria.TV Сезон 1 AniLibria.TV AniLibria.TVAniDUBAniLibria.TV